Atlas/Webapi default roles explanation

We are finishing the configuration of Atlas/Webapi users but I haven’t really found an updated detailed explanation of predefined roles. I have found older explanations of roles which did not include neither ‘Atlas users’ nor ‘Moderator’ roles explanation.

From what I have read, ‘Atlas users’ seems to partially overlap with other cohort and concept set related roles. Is that the case? What is the difference? What is ‘Moderator’ used for?

Where can I find a detailed explanation for each one of the predefined roles?

Hi, to help with our understanding of roles & permissions I created the overview attached, showing the permissions set for the default roles. Attaching here if useful for others.

ATLAS 2.13.0 roles & permissions overview - All Permissions.pdf (52.6 KB)


This is awesome! Has this document already been discussed in the WebAPI WG calls?

I’m not in those calls but feel free to share further! I can also share in other formats if useful. I was only able to attach pdf here.