Atlas setup failing: application initialization failed

Hi all,

I got “application initialization failed” error when I started atlas for the first time following the instructions below:

The error detail is: unable to connect to an instance of the webapi. please contact your administrator to resolve this issue.

I’ve installed webapi successfully. I’m not sure if I did the CDM configuration correctly at the “source and source_daimon table setup” part. Below is the sql I used for setting up the source and source_daimon table. I don’t have cdm and vocab schema in the database. Instead, I use dbo schema.

INSERT INTO dbo.source (source_id, source_name, source_key, source_connection, source_dialect) VALUES
(1, ‘OHDSI’, ‘MY_CDM’, ’ jdbc:sqlserver://;databaseName=OHDSI;user=ohdsi_app_user; password=app1’, ‘sql server’);

INSERT INTO dbo.source_daimon (source_daimon_id, source_id, daimon_type, table_qualifier, priority) VALUES (1,1,0, ‘dbo’, 0);
INSERT INTO dbo.source_daimon (source_daimon_id, source_id, daimon_type, table_qualifier, priority) VALUES (2,1,1, ‘dbo’, 1);
INSERT INTO dbo.source_daimon (source_daimon_id, source_id, daimon_type, table_qualifier, priority) VALUES (3,1,2, ‘results’, 1);
INSERT INTO dbo.source_daimon (source_daimon_id, source_id, daimon_type, table_qualifier, priority) VALUES (4,1,5, ‘temp’, 0);

The Source_name (‘OHDSI’) is the same as the source_name in the settings.xml file under WebAPI/WebAPIConfig folder. Is the source_key any random name we pick?


Hi all,

I’m stuck on the atlas setup and need some help.

Below is the screenshot of the error message when I launch atlas and the console error message.

My webapi seems working when I go to
http://localhost:8080/WebAPI/info and I’m seeing {“version”:“2.7.4”}

When I access
http://localhost:8080/WebAPI/source/sources I’m seeing
[{“sourceId”:1,“sourceName”:“My Cdm”,“sourceDialect”:“sql server”,“sourceKey”:“MY_CDM”,“daimons”:[{“sourceDaimonId”:1,“daimonType”:“CDM”,“tableQualifier”:“dbo”,“priority”:0},{“sourceDaimonId”:2,“daimonType”:“Vocabulary”,“tableQualifier”:“dbo”,“priority”:1},{“sourceDaimonId”:3,“daimonType”:“Results”,“tableQualifier”:“Results”,“priority”:1},{“sourceDaimonId”:4,“daimonType”:“Temp”,“tableQualifier”:“temp”,“priority”:0}]}]

When we configure the Maven profile to configure webapi, for datasource.url, are we using the webapi or CDM database? I’m using webapi database which has name ‘OHDSI’. Is this correct?


As per the Wiki, source_key is a identifier that you create that refer to the data source.

The console error message in Chrome developer tools suggests that the api property that the contains the URL of your WebAPI deployment instance is not properly configured, e.g

define([], function () {
	var configLocal = {};

	configLocal.api = {
		name: 'My Organization Name',
		url: ''

	return configLocal;

instead of something like

define([], function () {
	var configLocal = {};

	configLocal.api = {
		name: 'My Organization Name',
		url: 'http://localhost:8080/WebAPI/'

	return configLocal;

Did you create /js/config-local.js and set the property values as per the Atlas Setup Guide?

Thanks for the reply!

My CDM database name is OHDSI_CDM. What is the source_key here? Is it the database name OHDSI_CDM?
Below is the value I inserted in the source table:
INSERT INTO dbo.source (source_id, source_name, source_key, source_connection, source_dialect) VALUES
(1, ‘OHDSI’, ‘MY_CDM’, ’ jdbc:sqlserver://;databaseName=OHDSI_CDM;user=ohdsi_app_user; password=app1’, ‘sql server’);

Thanks for pointing this out!

I made the change you suggested to create /js/config-local.js file and set the property values. However, I still see similar error messages after I restarted the tomcat server.

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same issue here.even tho followed the steps

Same issue as the above screenshot? The above screenshot shows the WebAPI is hosted on a server which doesn’t seem like a valid hostname.

Could you provide a screenshot of your javascript console (just like the above message) so we can see the exact error you are getting?