Atlas needs all the tables in the same schema?

@anthonysena I am currently building an ETL, and the webapi’s structure is done following the steps you gave. I tried to see if I would get any results from Atlas with the tables I already populate and I am getting an error that Atlas is not finding the local-config.js. There are two things that I am a bit confused about it.
1 - I am working with a Linux environment, in which I put ATLAS into tomcat webapps and it is running just fine, but it is giving me this error, I also noticed that it can’t figure out which version of Vocabulary I am using.
My point here is do you need to add these tables as you did with a CDM db, webapi db or do they go together under the same schema? Should I add the entire Vocabulary(I am mapping it with the .csv vocabs files)


2 - Is there anything about ATLAS/TOMCAT/LINUX that someone can use as a guideline? Does Atlas use its own vocabulary, or is it based on the one on the webapi?