Hajar Homayouni, a Masters student in Computer Science at Colorado State University, implemented ATLAS on a Google Computer Engine (VM in GoogleSpeak) using Ubuntu and PostgreSQL. In addition, Hajar implemented user authentication using the underlying Tomcat authentication capabilities.
Attached here for your enjoyment is a write up of the steps she took to accomplish both tasks. Hopefully some or all of this information will help you spin up ATLAS or implement Tomcat authentication more quickly. Hajar can be reached at homayouni.hajar@gmail.com. Don’t write me – I’m only useful for finding really smart people who can do wonderful things that I never could do.
From GoogleDrive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0By1tgphRY1wpdUxocFNpaFZ3UGc/view?usp=sharing
Michael Kahn
PS: If somebody knows how to post a PDF attachment to the wiki, please use the link above and repost with the document attached.