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ATLAS Demo concept sets and cohort definitions not loading

Currently the concept set browser and cohort definitions browser in the ATLAS demo won’t load for me (see attached screenshot). I have tried using an incognito tab and clearing my cache and cookies, but no luck. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

@jonahbradenday Thanks for reporting the issue. They are loading again now.

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@admin The concept set browser is struggling to load again. Could it please be rebooted? Thanks!

@admins @admin We are in the midst of a training session using ATLAS Demo. Will it be possible to get the issue resolved in the next hour?

@Liz_Chen @jonahbradenday I noticed that a number of ATLAS Cohort Characterization jobs were submitted before lunch, which may have contributed to the ATLAS demo slowdown.

Those jobs have now finished and the ATLAS demo is currently behaving normally.

Hi Lee, Thanks so much for your help on this!
