I have been trying to create a cohort characterization in ATLAS where visit counts are grouped by care_site_id. I have been thinking that a custom feature analysis is the best way to do this, but I have been unsuccessful (getting sql errors). Has anyone done this in ATLAS or can help advise on how to do this? Here is the custom feature analysis I created that results in the error “bad SQL grammar.”
– Custom analysis producing visit counts grouped by care_site_id
select cast(care_site_id as bigint)1000 + @analysis_id as covariate_id,
c.care_site_name as covariate_name,
care_site_id as concept_id,
count() as sum_value,
count()1.0 / stat.total_cnt1.0 as average_value
from (select distinct care_site_id,
from @cohort_table cohort
inner join @cdm_database_schema.visit_occurrence on cohort.subject_id = visit_occurrence.person_id
where visit_start_date >= dateadd(d,0,cohort.cohort_start_date)
and care_site_id != 0
and cohort.cohort_definition_id = @cohort_id) visit_entries
join @cdm_database_schema.care_site c on visit_entries.care_site_id = c.care_site_id
cross join (select count() total_cnt
from @cohort_table
where cohort_definition_id = @cohort_id) stat
group by care_site_id,
Any help would be much appreciated!
-Ben Martin