web site will shut down on Friday March 18th

The web site will be shut down on Friday March 18th. That URL will then be redirected to the web site.

If you would like to export a copy of a concept set, or cohort definition from the web site, you can export it as a JSON file using the Atlas export function, prior to the shut down.

Is the “official” info backed-up on any of the other official OHDSI atlas instances, like


@jposada we will keep a copy of the database which we can restore if we need to reference the info again in the future.

Do you have some specific “official” info in, in mind, which we would need to actively maintain?

I was wondering about the cohorts used on Charybdis. I know they are in the Github repo. Having them in an ATLAS instance make them easier to use, just that. I do not have anything specific beyond that.

Thanks for the quick reply.

Hi @jposada! Rest assured all of the Charybdis cohorts are loaded into “Patrick’s ATLAS” aka the locked down ATLAS that maintains everything (

You can find the look-up table here:

p.s. @admin, does this mean COVID is over? :wink:

Awesome, Thank you!