Atlas Concept Set Creation

I have created the concept in the atlas and from there went to the vocabulary and added some cancer drugs by saving the concept set. But when again I open the concept set then not able to see any cancer drug at all. It’s all plain blank.

Can anybody let me know what could be wrong here?

@MaximMoinat @Christian_Reich

Can you tell us what version of Atlas and WebAPI you are using?

Also if you could share a screenshot of your concept set before and after saving, and then after re-loading that shows no cancer drugs?

Below are the details asked for.

ATLAS Version 2.7.5
WebAPI Version 2.7.5

Before Saving

After Saving

After Reloading

I have set up this environment using the GitHub - OHDSI/OHDSIonAWS: Automation code and documentation for standing up the OHDSI toolstack in an AWS environment template

I’m not sure, but that environment is very out of date compared to our most recent release of 2.11. Do you think you’d be able to install a later version?


So I am using to set up the environment earlier. Now I can see it following an update on the version side and now it’s 2.9.1 for both web API and Atlas both. Do you think these versions are good to go for now?

Yes, I think you should use the latest version when possible, so give that a try and see if the concept set error goes away.

Hi Chris,

I have set up the new instance with given OHDSIONAWS git link above for atlas and web API version 2.9.1.

But when I go through the Atlas I am getting below error on each and every page of it.

Can you please let me know what could be wrong here??

Looks like a security configuration problem: you’re logged in as ‘user1’ but you are getting an ‘access denied’ message on the page.

Please refer to Security Implementation · OHDSI/WebAPI Wiki · GitHub for information on how to assing users to roles. For your setup, it looks like you are just playing around, so you can assign everyone to the ‘admin’ role which will grant permissions to every page. This involves writing a record to the SEC_USER_ROLE table to assign the USER_ID of ‘user1’ to the role of ‘admin’. You can query your SEC_ROLE table to look up what ID the ‘admin’ role was assigned.
