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ATLAS and Hydra: Best practice?

Hi OHDSI community!

I am currently trying to run a patient level prediction study, and I managed to make it run using Hydra.

One thing I noticed on the way was that my study was being packaged with PLP version 5.0.5, even with the latest version of Hydra.

My ATLAS was packaging it with 5.0.4, and currently the most recent version for PLP is 6.3.9.

My questions are:

  1. Is using Hydra still the way to keep my packages up to date?
  2. If not, can anyone point me to the best practices for OHDSI study packages? I can’t seem to find one.
  3. Is upgrading ATLAS possible?

Thank you in advance.

How about using Strategus instead?

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The estimation and prediction features in ATLAS are indeed getting stale. It would be best to disable them in a future release. Hydra is no longer being updated.

The new process for running studies is Strategus. See the Strategus package here and the Strategus Study Template here.

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These functions will be removed from Atlas/WebAPI in the 3.x line, and replacing it with Strategus.

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Thanks for all the replies, I’ll look into it.
