Atlas - Age at first observation

Hello Everyone,

I see that Atlas generates age based on first observation. (first observation date minus birth date?)

Meaning does it look for the first / earliest record of the person in the observation table (which has observation date)?

Or does it just pick the first record of the person available under any of the domains? For ex - (condition start date minus date of birth ). It could be any domain whichever has the first/earliest record for that person in db?

Or is it just earliest visit start date? I guess it’s based on earliest date of any domain (as it occurs)

Can help with this?

Because our Age at first observation looks like this? Our observation period starts right after the patient was born. We would like to have maximum possible observation period, because we don’t wish to lose records.

Hi @Akshay,
for ‘Age at first Observation’ table Observation Period is used, but not Observation.
Here is corresponding code for this analysis