Athena: medra eula

@gregk, @Christian_Reich
In ATHENA you now need to request access to MEDRA which is needed I think for the hierarchy popups in “Achilles”, correct?

How does this work? Will I have to wait for authorization of Odysseus or do I need to receive something and then sign etc?

If I have been granted access I do not have to ask for this again for the next vocab download correct?



You need to contact the MSSO and ask for a license. OHDSI is not issuing licenses. It will just distribute a vocabulary that folks already obtained the license for.


Thanks, I know OHDSI is not distributing the license itself.

I have now applied for an academic license at MedDRA
Once I suppose I have to email this to Odysseus and they will make the option active for me to add MEDRA in my download?

This now actually means that all on the CDM have to ask for this license if they want to have the ‘Standard’ Classification in the hierarchy. Did the MEDRA licensing change :frowning: ? I did not had to do this in the previous version of ATHENA for MEDRA.

Probably I would receive the information above during business hours after I requested the access so it would solve itself, but an automatic email describing the procedure may be helpful (or some information on the website about “licensing”?).



Hi Peter,

Yes, that is a great feedback - we will add some information on the process.

yes, one of the OHDSI OMOP Vocabulary administrators will confirm it with you and will approve you to download this vocabulary

That would be me. Not the Athena folks. They can’t grant access on behalf of OHDSI. Yet, that is. :slight_smile:


We are seeing many ATHENA requests for MedDRA. So, before you click you may want to figure out whether you already have a license, and obtain one if not:

MedDRA is licensed by the MSSO. You have to go through their process to obtain a license. If you are an academic or public organization you will get the license for free. If you are private sector you’ll have to cough up some money. Most pharmaceutical, biotech and device companies typically have already a MedDRA license in place, because the vocabulary is used heavily for clinical trials.

When you have the license, visit Athena and click on MedDRA. We will get an email notification, ask you for your license proof, and switch your access on.

Hi, Christian,

I requested the MedDRA download through ATHENA by clicking the license link
but I have not received any email notification for my license proof. Could
you please advise who I should be contacting with?



You did the right thing. I was just slow in responding.

You need to provide a license proof to us, so we can distribute the vocabulary to you. We cannot issue licenses to anybody.

Makes sense?

Still confusing… “EULA license required” link “does not do anything”… To whom I should send the license confirmation e-mail? Did not find any other e-mail address from Athena than … Or should I do this in this forum? The workflow should be more transparent…


Request it. It will deny you, but we will get a notification and we will contact you to show us the proof of license. And then you re-request, and this time it will go through.

Summarizing the above.


  1. You need to contact the MSSO and ask for a license.

  2. Once you receive a license, go to Athena and request your Vocabularies along with MedDRA. The Vocabulary team will get a notification and you will be contacted requesting a proof of license.

  3. Once your account knows it is allowed to download MedDRA, you would re-request the OMOP Vocabulary (with MedDRA included).

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Hi all,
I am really new here and I had the same problem as above.
How can I show my MedDRA license?
I have already clicked on “EULA request” and nothing happened.
Thank you in advance

@Alessandra - did you try the steps above?
Athena: medra eula

Hi Erica,
Thank you for your answer.
Yes, finally my MedDRA license was validated.
Thank you
