I’m quite new to OHDSI, so apologies in advance if the answer is obvious.
After downloading LOINC vocabulary table from Athena, I received the following tables:
concept, concept_ancestor, concept_class, concept_relationship, concept_synonym, domain, relationship.
However, I can’t find the fields found on the LOINC website, as well as the online Athena tool, that includes: Component, System, Property etc.
I see it here on Athena website like I said, but are these not downloadable?
Hi @may_a ,
As I understand it, when you select a vocabulary to download, you are simply requesting the OMOP content for concepts in those vocabularies. This is different fron the files you might get when dowloading (or requesting) files generated by the SDO.
We store native files from the SDO on a separate terminology server. Not sure what others do…
@Christian_Reich will have the gold standard for answer to this question.