Reflecting on the success of Phenotype Phebruary we in the CDM and THEMIS working groups wanted to bring to the community another opportunity to work together to achieve something great. So this year during the month of April we will be hosting the April Olympians Collab-a-thon!
Over the years as more collaborators have joined the community we have seen a greater need to specify conventions for how data should be mapped to the OMOP CDM. However, not all conventions apply to every type of data and to handle all the caveats we end up with large walls of text on the CDM website.
Goals of the Collab-a-thon
- Identify all ratified CDM and THEMIS conventions
- Write clear documentation for each convention
- Establish a searchable repository for THEMIS conventions
- Create CDM documentation detailing the expansion modules in use around the community
Ways of working
We have broken the work that needs to be done into three teams: Link to sign up for a team
The Hunters of Artemis
- On the hunt for ratified conventions
- Systematically search OHDSI resources by table and field
- Open github issues sharing critical information for each convention they track down
The Writers of Apollo
- Will pick up each convention the Hunters find
- Will systematically document important information about the convention
- Tag the github issues for the next group
The Builders of Hephaestus
- Responsible for building the repository
- Incorporate the information from the writers into a convention in the repository
- Clean up the CDM website by removing any duplicate information and linking out to the THEMIS repository
The use of teams is intended to break the work into easy pieces so you can give an hour or ten hours and still make a big impact!
If you follow the link to sign up you can indicate your intent to participate and rank your choice of teams!
tagging @MPhilofsky