First off: I am unclear as to where this should be posted. So, please feel free to move it to a more appropriate category.
Looking for plausible values for Measurement Concept ID 3024653 (FEV1: LOINC 20150-9) and 3011505(FEV1/FVC: LOINC 19925-5), I found candidates in DataQualityDashboard/inst/csv/OMOP_CDMv5.4_Concept_Level.csv at 441c9d643695b595d915f3b5e8d3cc3235ca085e · OHDSI/DataQualityDashboard · GitHub , at rows 858-863 and 567-570, respectively.
For both measures, I encounter values using various units, some of which puzzle me.
FEV1 is, as I understand, a volumetric measure, so liter(8519) and milliliter (8587) are expected. Also specified is a measure of rate, liter per minute (8698), a measure of length, inch(9330), ratio(8523) and percent(8554).
My guess is that ratio and percent might be included because the ratio of measured to predicted FEV1 is considered, but as I understand, that should actually be recorded as concept 3011708 (LOINC: 20152-5).
Similarly, for the ratio of FEV1 to FVC, I expect that the unit should be ratio(8523) and or perhaps, percent(8554). I have no guess as to how this ratio could be reported using a volumetric, liter(8519) or linear, inch(9330) unit of measure.
Am I misunderstanding something(s) and/or looking at the wrong file?
plausible.xlsx (84.7 KB)