I have data that includes vitals/lab measurements that go into an Acute Physiology Score (APS) III.
I’m having difficult finding an appropriate standard concept to assign these variables.
These variables are defined as:
APS points are assigned based upon the “Worst” values (measurement of the degree of physiologic derangement) that a patient exhibits during the APACHE Day. The “Worst” values tend to be those that are furthest away from the APACHE-defined mid-point.
An APACHE Day is defined as the first 24 hours of ICU admission.
Some examples of these variables are GCS, wbc, temp, sodium, heart rate, ph, creatinine, fio2, pao2, etc.
I want to bring these into OMOP, but I need help with a standard concept to map it to. I can find concepts like “Apache III Score” and “APS score”. But for example, I’m looking for something like “APS heart rate” and not just “Heart Rate” concept so that I can differentiate a heart rate measurement from the APS heart rate.
Any thoughts or suggestions?