Anyone will come to China on 8-21

will anyone here come to Hangzhou in China for the first OHDSI China conference?


Wait. There is Medinfo and I am coming. Is there also a OHDSI China conference? Are non-Chinese any useful? :smile:

I guess we are talking about the China WG workshop event that we are planning on 8/21 in Hangzhou. I was about to announce it. -:slight_smile: You can find the event information in our working group page:

Chris is attending this event and will introduce OHDSI to our Chinese colleagues. Everyone is welcome to join us! Send me an email if you can be there. Thanks.


definitely I will. hope to see u all


Hi, @HuaXu @wanghaisheng

I’m Seng Chan You in Ajou university, Korea. I and @rwpark will stay in Hangzhou on 8/21 for attending MedInfo. It would be great if we can have a chance to share the progress and the experiences related with CDM and OHDSI network.


SC You

If you can read Chinese, please register online for this event here:中美临床医疗大数据研讨会

Otherwise, send me an email and I will register it for you. I will prepare an information sheet in English and send it to you.


Sent from my iPhone.

Thanks for your offer Seng Chan! The workshop is co-organized with Zhejiang University. We are planning on the agenda and I’ll get back to you if slots are available. Thx


Sent from my iPhone.

I will be in China for Medinfo and would be interested in any OHDSI related activities.

I will attend MEDINFO and would like to contact OHDSI fellows

Fernando Martin-Sanchez
National Institute of Health ´Carlos III´ of Spain

Hello all,
Here is the Agenda for OHDSI China Workshop on Aug 21st, 2017

Date: August 21, 2017
Location: Zhejiang University
No1. Report Zhou Yiqing Building, 38 Zheda Rd, Xihu Qu, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China, 310027



Agenda Link

Hi @Lingyi_Tang
I’m a Korean, who’re arriving Hangzhou for MedInfo.

I want to join this wonderful workshop too.

I have two quick questions:
Will all session be delivered in English?
Where is the place for symposium exactly?(No1. Report Zhou Yiqing Building by Baidu…)



I strongly recommed you just take a photo of the attached files .
first you should show our road map pic to taxi driver which annotated in red
or when you get to the zhejiang university ,you can ask for help

Hello @SCYou
You are very welcome to join us but I’m afraid that most of the sessions will be delivered in Chinese…

If you plan to go by taxi, the exact location in Chinese is 浙江省杭州市浙大路38号浙江大学玉泉校区
Or you can simply use “浙江大学玉泉校区”(Yuquan Campus, Zhejiang University)for Baidu Map or Google Map.

Then the building information is 周亦卿大楼1楼报告厅(No1. Report Zhou Yiqing Building).
Here is the specific map inside Zhejiang University’s campus

Thank you.


Chris`s presentation in China