Age Restrictions in ATLAS?

Is it possible to restrict age on the “Initial Event Cohort” to be something like this?

6 >= AND < 18

I was thinking I would have to add 2 age criteria, but I don’t think it will allow me to add more than one. If someone knows how to do this I would appreciate the help.

Tagging @Chris_Knoll since he probably knows right away.

Tagging @Jill_Hardin to keep her in the know.

2 ways:

  1. In the intital events, add an age filter, switch the drop-down to ‘between’ and make it ‘between 6 and 17’
  2. As an inclusion criteria, add the ‘demographics’ criteria type, you can enforce the age at index is between 6 and 17.

OMG, could we delete this post? :smile:

Thanks @Chris_Knoll

Between is inclusive of both values. So do ‘between 6 and 17’ and that’ll
give you what you want.