Advice on how to map oral glucose tolerance test measurements at specific time points that do not have standard ids

Hello OHDSI community, I am very happy to join in! I am currently working on Mapping measurements from oral glucose tolerance tests (oGTT). There we take a blood sample at baseline, then administer a liquid containing glucose and take blood samples after 30, 60, 90 and 120 minutes in order to measure blood glucose at the different time intervals.

What has been done: I was able to find standard ids for fasting blood glucose measurements (4156660 - "Fasting blood glucose measurement), the 1 hour time interval (40482677 - “Measurement of glucose 1 hour after glucose challenge for glucose tolerance test”) and the 2 hour time interval (4176733 - “Measurement of glucose 2 hours after glucose challenge for glucose tolerance test”).

Problem: What I cannot seem to find are standard ids for the glucose measurements at the 30 and 90 minute time interval.

Question: How do I best map the glucose measurements at the time intervals after 30 and 90 minutes? Do I simply do that by setting the measurement_concept_id to 0 or can I do it in a more sophisticated way?

Proposed Ideas: I can think of setting the OGTT as an observation instead of a measurement and use qualifiers (there is one for 30 but not for 90 minutes: 4114365 - " 30 minutes post-dose"). Another alternative could be to work through the measurment_datetime or measurement_time field in the Measurement table. However, I only have the date and not the time of the measurement, I would need to set an arbitrary time point and increase the time interval from there.

Does anybody have experience with this kind of Mapping and/or has any tips or advice to provide? I am very grateful for any ideas!


Hello, @ivona. Welcome to OHDSI

In the Measurement domain, LOINC vocabulary is usually much more specific than SNOMED, so I advise you to switch to LOINC. Your concepts may be mapped in the following way:

Glucose [Mass/volume] in Serum or Plasma --pre XXX challenge
Glucose [Mass/volume] in Serum or Plasma --30 minutes post XXX challenge
Glucose [Mass/volume] in Serum or Plasma --1 hour post XXX challenge
Glucose [Mass/volume] in Serum or Plasma --1.5 hours post XXX challenge
Glucose [Mass/volume] in Serum or Plasma --2 hours post XXX challenge

And even better: browsing LOINC, you would be able to find more specific OGTT (like 75 g glucose PO), the concepts above are just a good generic examples. Check this hierarchical concept:

Glucose | Serum or Plasma | Chemistry - challenge

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Hello @zhuk, thank you very much for your help! I was able to find analogue codes for insulin measurements using the hierarchical concepts as well.

New challenge: I am now mapping free fatty acids measurements during the glucose challenge (before the glucose challenge and 30, 60, 90 and 120 minutes post glucose challenge). However, a general search and using the hierarchical concepts for free fatty acids didn’t yield any satisfying results. I was only able to find a standard code for “free fatty acids measurement” in SNOMED (concept id = 4072152). Since now there seem to really be no standard codes for these free fatty acids measurements as far as I can tell, what is an efficient way of mapping the measurements without having to set the concept_id to 0? Please refer to the “prosed ideas” section in my initial post for my first thoughts on that topic.

Thank you very much and Merry Christmas!

Hello, Ivona.

Yes, this is a challenge. I am sure, that 30, 60, 90 and 120 minutes post glucose challenge free fatty acids are some custom measurements, non widely accepted in clinical practice. Please, correct me, if I am wrong.

I think that the easiest way would be to create your own 2bil+ concepts and set them standard. Other options are painful and not really useful.

Let me know if you need more instructions regarding 2bil concepts. There are some topics here, like I linked above, where you could find instructions.

Merry Christmas!