Added support for Impala with Kerberos authentication to DatabaseConnector

I just posted this to an old thread on the Implementers channel, but since this is more relevant to Developers, I decided to duplicate it here.

Last year after the symposium, we started a discussion around the lack of support for Impala with Kerberos authentication in the DatabaseConnector library, which was seriously impacting our ability to use all of the OHDSI tools with our data in our Cloudera environment. After exploring options, my team at Celgene took upon ourselves this task as a contribution to the OHDSI community, and to do so we partnered with an external team of developers working with us in other projects, and they successfully implemented changes to DatabaseConnector to support Impala with Kerberos authentication.

I had the chance to test it on our own Cloudera environment, which uses Kerberos, with satisfactory results.

One of the developers, Vladislav Kovchug, submitted a pull request yesterday:

Anybody knows who needs to approve that pull request?



That would be me. I’ll review and accept. Thanks for this contribution!

(Note that I anticipate we may have some trouble getting this in CRAN, as it doubles the size of DatabaseConnectorJars, but we’ll cross that bridge when we get there.).

Thanks Martijn. Happy to contribute to OHDSI and hoping others in the same situation will benefit as well.