We updated our AUSOM database from ver 14.040.000 into 15.040.010.
The new ASUOM includes one and half more years of data up to May, 2015.
Thus we would like add the new DB into one AchillesWeb, and let user can select from one of them (old one or new one). But, we don’t know how to set up the AchillesWeb.
Would someone help us?
After you run Achilles (from the R Package) to get the statistics calculated in your new CDM, you then need to export the new JSON data for Achilles Web using the following command:
Copy these exported files to a separate folder under the /data directory where you have your existing AchillesWeb Results. Example, the folder structure would look like this:
Then when you refresh the Achilles web, you’ll see 2 datasources under the ‘datasource’ dropdown at the top right, and you can flip between them.
Note: I’m showing an example of a ‘cdmVersion’ parameter in the config, which is going to be introduced very shortly to allow Achilles Web to show v4 and v5 reports in the same app.
HI Chris!
Thank you very much for the quick response!
We fixed the problem.
Here you can see the new AUSOM DB: http://ami.ajou.ac.kr:8080/
We found there are some differences between the DBs.
Some of them may be originated by the application of new (improved) mapping tables, or by some ETL errors. We are now investigating the root causes, and will fix them.
Another 2.2M of patients data in CDM format from other Korean tertiary teaching hospital will be available within few months.