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Achilles missing analysis_id

Hi community!

I’ve successfully implemented and connected ATLAS with my OMOP CDM. However, some reports are missing, such as the year_of_birth in the person report and Age at First Observation in the Dashboard.

After running ACHILLES, I checked the results.achilles_results table and noticed that some analysis_id’s are missing, for example, analysis number 3, which I believe corresponds to the year_of_birth in the person report. I don’t understand why this analysis isn’t generating results, especially since the year_of_birth and birth_datetime fields are populated in my OMOP CDM.

I’ve tried running ACHILLES versions 1.7.1 and 1.7.2 and encountered the same issue. I also attempted running Achilles::runMissingAnalyses(), but it still didn’t generate results for the missing analysis.

Does anyone know what could be causing this problem?

Here’s how I’m running ACHILLES:

connectionDetails = connectionDetails,
cdmVersion = “5.4”,
cdmDatabaseSchema = “dbo”,
resultsDatabaseSchema = “results”,
vocabDatabaseSchema = “dbo”,
outputFolder = outputFolder,
sourceName = sourceName,
createTable = TRUE,
createIndices = TRUE,
sqlDialect = “postgresql”

Thank you very much in advance!
