I’m getting a permanent “loading…” when I try to open up the Achilles web application.
The OMOP CDM v5.4 is in Postgres.
I followed the exact steps from here, including creating a subfolder “SAMPLE” under the data folder. The datasources.json is the exact same as the example in the link. All of the jsons seem to be populated as best as I can see in the SAMPLE subdirectory.
When I open the dev console in Chrome, this is what I see:
I tried opening the datasources.json in another program, and I was able to read it.
I took a screen grab of my datasources.json file too.
I believe your problem is related to the "Cross origin requests… " message. Somehow, your configuration must ensure that the related calls must be within the same domain. Something similar happened to me with Atlas where I had to set up Atlas and its configuration database within the same server and for instance within the same domain.