For some reason install_github doesn’t always install all indirect dependencies. In this case it is missing fastmatch (which I think is required by ffbase which is required by DatabaseConnector).
I am trying to run the following command in R. (I already tested the
PostgreSQL DB connect by using “querySql(conn,“SELECT COUNT(*) FROM
ohdsi.person”)”. It works and I get the right number)
No, vocabulary_database_schema is a token that is passed into the achilles call that sets the schema for the vocabulary tables (in the case where a vocabulary is shared across multiple cdms). However, it should default to cdm_database_schema, and then be replaced by some value…in other words, you shouldn’t see that value anywhere in the executed SQL.
So, for some strange reason that isn’t being replaced somewhere, very interesting, I’ll look into this.
Also, from your screenshot, it looks like you have a postgresql datbase named OHDSI, and within that you have a schema called ‘ohdsi’ and inisde the ‘ohdsi’ schema you have your CDM tables, therefore, your parameters should be:
If you want to separate the results out into it’s own schema, you’ll need to create a new schema for that, and then you can set the resultsDatabaseSchema to that schema in the achilles call.
Ok, so I am checking the sourcecode, and in both cases of executing the Achilles_v5.sql and achillesHeel_v5.sql, it does a find replace for that token and replaces it with the paramater passed in (or defaults to cdmDatabaseSchema).
I think you might be running a very old version of achilles. Could you ensure that you have gotten latest from git?
Thanks so much ALL, it is working, and here is what I learned:
Each time when you get an error, there is an error report generated. In my
computer, it is in C:/Users/you account/Document/ folder. It has very
useful information there.
Just one thing I’d correct about #1 above: “My OMOP DB is in ‘ohdsi’ schema”… schemas live within databases, not the otherway around, I’m sure that’s what you meant but I just wanted to clarify that from top-container to bottom it goes Database -> Schema -> Tables. (DBs contain Schemas, Schemas contains Tables). Just wanted to clarify that if we need to debug further and we have to draw a distinction between the database, the schemas and the individual tables.