Achilles Heel error 814 on observation records

Achilles heel rule 814 enforces that at least one of the OBSERVATION Field value_as_string, value_as_number, or value_as_concept_id be non-NULL. However, none of these three fields are required according to the CDM v5 vocabulary specification. We can make this error go away, for example, by putting 0 for value_as_concept_id, however, shouldn’t we put NULL if there is no information about values for observations?

I have one small addition to identifying DQ problems in data.

There is no “rule 814”.
814 is a pre-computed analysis.

Rules are identified by rule_id.
One has to refer to Heel output by saying both analysis_id and rule_id.

And yet a note on rules: There are simple rules (e.g., rule 29 (see below;it operates on a single analysis) and “umbrella rules” that operate on multiple (sometimes 10 or more) analyses.

example rule (simple)