Achilles fails merging scratch tables

I am a Data Intern with the Colorado State University School of Veterinary Medicine. We have been working on wrangling our veterinary EHR data into the OMOP CDM. While trying to implement Achilles, we ran into an issue where it would not populate the tables in our Postgres database. It seems to be running most (if not all) of the analyses without issue, but it fails at the 50% mark in the “merging scratch Achilles tables” step.

Here is a screenshot:

While trying to resolve this problem, my team discovered this GitHub issue discussing the topic. However, the resolution proposed by the original author still seems vague to us. We are unsure why our default collations would be uncooperative with Achilles like the GitHub issue mentioned - our database is almost completely vanilla Postgres and OMOP. We are hoping somebody on these forums could provide any clues for us. We would appreciate it very much!

Hi @akiehl2000,

Looks like one of the staging tables failed to execute, specifically analysis 4. Does your log_achilles.txt file (which is created in the outputFolder) include the actual SQL error for that analysis?

Please post this over in the GitHub repo, along with your function call.


@Ajit_Londhe Thanks for the response! Everything has been posted in a new issue on the Achilles GitHub repo.

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