I am trying to run Achilles on our most recent refresh of our cdm and am getting this error. I have no other error reports in the log and every individual query seems to complete before hitting this error on the merge step.
Here is the full error report:
Thread: Main
Message: line 5460 did not have 6 elements
Level: FATAL
Time: 2024-05-06 17:22:16
Stack trace:
9: h(simpleError(msg, call))
8: .handleSimpleError(function (condition)
if (is(condition, "error")) {
7: scan(file = file, what = what, sep = sep, quote = quote, dec = dec, nmax =
6: utils::read.table(file = file.path(outputFolder, "log_achilles.txt"), heade
5: .parseLogs(outputFolder)
4: .mergeAchillesScratchTables(resultsTable = table, connectionDetails = conne
3: FUN(X[[i]], ...)
2: lapply(resultsTablesToMerge, function(table) {
1: achilles(cdmVersion = "5.4", connectionDetails = connectionDetails, cdmData
R version:
R version 4.4.0 (2024-04-24)
Attached base packages:
- stats
- graphics
- grDevices
- utils
- datasets
- methods
- base
Other attached packages:
- Achilles (1.7.2)
- DatabaseConnector (6.3.2)
I wonder if I am missing something here?
Please let me know if I can provide anything else in order to help with troubleshooting.