Trying to implement the Achilles R package, but I’m getting an error in the ‘Create the concept hierarchy’ section of the code as seen here:
connectionDetails ← createConnectionDetails(
dbms=“sql server”,
schema = “EpicCare.omop”,
extraSettings = “trusted_connection=true”)
cdmDatabaseSchema = “epiccare.omop”,
vocabDatabaseSchema = “epiccare.omop”,
’ scratchDatabaseSchema = “#”,
’ scratchDatabaseSchema = “epiccare.omop”,
numThreads = 1,
sourceName = “”,
cdmVersion = “5.2.0”,
runHeel = TRUE,
runCostAnalysis = TRUE,
’ dropScratchTables = FALSE
You’ll note the commented out parameters in my calling code. The same error happens with or without them.
The following output shows that the Concept Hierarchies are created, but errors out BEFORE the subroutine completes.
Done. Achilles results can now be found in schema epiccare.omop_results
Executing Concept Hierarchy creation. This could take a while
Connecting using SQL Server driver using Windows integrated security
|=========================================================| 100%
Executing SQL took 3.29 secs
|=========================================================| 100%
Executing SQL took 12.3 secs
|=========================================================| 100%
Executing SQL took 4.14 secs
|=========================================================| 100%
Executing SQL took 2.96 mins
|=========================================================| 100%
Executing SQL took 2.76 mins
|=========================================================| 100%
Executing SQL took 1.47 secs
|=========================================================| 100%
Executing SQL took 2.99 secs
Connecting using SQL Server driver using Windows integrated security
Error in rJava::.jcall(resultSet, “Z”, “next”) : Database ‘#’ does not exist. Make sure that the name is entered correctly.
Most likely during the dropAllScratchTables() routine.
The concept_hierarchy table is created in the omop_results schema in the database.
Any clues as to what the problem could be would be appreciated.