Achilles ERROR: column "admitting_source_value" does not exist

When I run Achilles, I get the error listed above from check 1900. Looking through the SQL under inst/sql/sql_server/analyses/1900.sql, it looks like the issue comes from lines 64-71 shown below.

When I looked at the OMOP CDM requirements, the tables visit_occurence and visit_detail don’t seem to have the column admitting_source_value. These tables do have admitted_from_source_value, so I’m not certain if that’s the column that is meant. This all assumes that I’m reading the SQL right, and if I am, it looks like there’s a bug.

Hi @JamesRudd I suspect there is a confusion with versions here.

Admitting_source_value is a column in v5.3 of the CDM, which is the version fully supported by the OHDSI tools. When designing v6.0 of the CDM we decided that admitting_source_value is a confusing name for a column so we changed it to admitted_from_source_value. However, due some other issues with v6.0 it has not been fully adopted by the tools and is still listed as a pre-release on github. This year in the CDM working group we decided to develop v5.4 of the CDM to incorporate some long-awaited updates while avoiding the pitfalls of v6.0. With that said, Achilles does not support CDM v6.0; the website says it is actively being developed to support v5.x.

Apologies for the confusion, I’ll ask the Achilles developers to more clearly state the CDM versions it supports.

@clairblacketer Thank you very much for the clarification.