I restarted Achilles and I got:
Loading required package: DatabaseConnector
Sys.setenv(“DATABASECONNECTOR_JAR_FOLDER” = “/application/jdbcDrivers”)
trying URL ‘https://ohdsi.github.io/DatabaseConnectorJars/postgresqlV42.2.18.zip’
Content type ‘application/zip’ length 931791 bytes (909 KB)
downloaded 909 KB
DatabaseConnector JDBC drivers downloaded to ‘/application/jdbcDrivers’.
connectionDetails ← createConnectionDetails(
- dbms=“postgresql”,
- server=“hsc-ctsc-achilles.health.unm.edu/truven”,
- user=“usr4atlas”,
- password=’*******************’,
- port=“5432”)
- cdmDatabaseSchema = “mdcr2003_2016”,
- resultsDatabaseSchema = “atlas_results”,
- scratchDatabaseSchema = “achilles_scratch”,
- vocabDatabaseSchema = “mdcr2003_2016”,
- numThreads = 1,
- sourceName = “AchilesAtlas”,
- cdmVersion = “5.3.0”,
- runHeel = TRUE,
- runCostAnalysis = TRUE)
Connecting using PostgreSQL driver
2021-09-16 18:04:47 Beginning single-threaded execution
Connecting using PostgreSQL driver
|======================================================================| 100%
Executing SQL took 0.215 secs
2021-09-16 18:04:50 warning: The ‘oracleTempSchema’ argument is deprecated. Use ‘tempEmulationSchema’ instead.
This warning is displayed once every 8 hours.
2021-09-16 18:04:50 warning: Temp table name ‘#s_tmpach_Drug_rawCost’ is too long. Temp table names should be shorter than 22 characters to prevent Oracle from crashing.
2021-09-16 18:04:50 warning: Temp table name ‘#s_tmpach_Drug_cost_raw’ is too long. Temp table names should be shorter than 22 characters to prevent Oracle from crashing.
2021-09-16 18:04:50 warning: Temp table name ‘#s_tmpach_Procedure_cost_raw’ is too long. Temp table names should be shorter than 22 characters to prevent Oracle from crashing.
2021-09-16 18:04:50 warning: Temp table name ‘#s_tmpach_Procedure_rawCost’ is too long. Temp table names should be shorter than 22 characters to prevent Oracle from crashing.
2021-09-16 18:04:50 [Raw Cost] [START] 15000
|========== | 14%
Why I got the oracle warnings if I am using postgres?