Access to databases

Hi all,

I’m brand new to the OHDSI community, so apologies if these questions are a bit naive. My main question at the moment concerns access to databases. I want to leverage the OHDSI platform to better characterize the TRD population in the US. There are already some comprehensive OHDSI related studies examining depression treatment pathways and factors that predict TRD. However, I would like to build upon these studies and examine different parameters.

How can I go about gaining access to the databases used in the papers (MarketScan Commercial Claims and Encounters and Optum ClinFormatics), and are these databases already converted to the OMOP CDM? I realise that it is common courtesy to inform the original data holders but is this a necessity? Also, is there a catalog listing CDM converted databases?

If anyone knows of additional observational studies examining TRD, could you please share them. I’m doing an extensive literature review at the moment but I may overlook something important.

Thanks in advance for your help!

Shane, welcome to the community! You’re already off to a great start by posting here.

Now, let’s start in reverse order…

@MauraBeaton pulls a yearly census of data converted to the OMOP format and catalogs it for the US Symposium. The 2019 list can be found here: resources:2019_data_network [Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics]

You could:

  • buy it yourself (costs lots of $$$) – some vendors provide this in OMOP format, others do not so teams convert them themselves, many public DDLs exist on the OHDSI repo to help newcomers with this
  • become professionally affiliated with a company that owns a lot of data
  • design a study using public OHDSI community tools and convince someone who owns data to participate in your network study :wink:

It’s a necessity. The data owners own the data. :smile: There’s no way around it. The idea of OHDSI is that we leave data where it lives but we can pass around queries / standardized analytics. Hope is not lost if you don’t have data.

If you want to talk about your study, I would be happy to set up time to talk about your needs. There is a Psychiatry WG that @Dymshyts could connect you with too.

Hi Shane,

Optum licenses the clinformatics dataset, and presumably Janssen has licensed the data and converted it to OMOP. If you are interested in using the dataset, you would need to either license the dataset within your organization and pay for its use, or you would need to convince Janssen (or someone else who has licensed the dataset) to get involved in your study.

I hope that’s helpful!


Thanks for the info, Julie!