Today we have different ‘Generate’ experiences across multiple use cases within ATLAS. I would like to propose that we develop a shared component to provide a simpler and consistent user experience. To begin I thought it best to enumerate all the particular ‘Generate’ use cases we have today - please let me know if I’m missing any.
Generate a Cohort Definition ( or use a cohort definition to write records to the cohort table in the results schema )
Generate a Report ( within cohort characterization, currently on the reporting tab within a cohort )
Generate Evidence ( for negative control exploration, from the explore evidence tab on the concept set page )
Generate Incidence Rates ( from the incidence rates drop down or generation tab )
- Generate Population Level Effect Estimation ( from the results tab of the population level effect estimation page )
Once we determine that we have a complete list we can iterate on possible designs for a consistent component. We should also keep in mind some future use cases that are on the roadmap such as generating Patient Level Prediction Models.