2022 OHDSI Symposium Workgroup Activities: CDM + THEMIS + DQ + Vocab

In response to @krfeeney’s post, we cordially invite you to join us at the 2022 Symposium for some intense CDM, THEMIS, Vocabulary, and Data Quality fun!



  • Revive the THEMIS workgroup dedicated to defining CDM conventions for how data are stored in the model.
  • Work through outstanding issues on the THEMIS and CDM github repositories to generate meaningful answers to long-standing questions from the community.


  • With the introduction of the new CDM Request Process there is the question of how to address long-held questions and debates in the community around how to store certain types of data, like smoking status

  • The THEMIS working group was introduced in 2018 to help make decisions and answer these questions.
  • Most of these questions and debates have held on for a reason in that they are often multi-faceted, meaning they need vocabulary updates, changes or additions to the model, data storage conventions, and quality checks to ensure the conventions are followed correctly.


  • The OHDSI symposium offers us an opportunity to be in the same room to work through all dimensions of these problems to meaningfully move the community forward towards better, well-defined data standards.
  • Please join us and make your voice heard as we make decisions on how complicated data elements should be stored in the CDM, represented by vocabulary, and evaluated for data quality.

Tagging @MPhilofsky as the THEMIS lead and @mik as the Vocabulary lead