2022 OHDSI Symposium Health Equity Workshop

Please join the Health Equity Workgroup for our activity at the 2022 OHDSI US Symposium! Please see the details below and share any comments you may have.


Sunday, Oct. 16, 3pm-5pm

Registration link: 2022 OHDSI Workgroup Activities October 15-16 Tickets, Sat, Oct 15, 2022 at 8:00 AM | Eventbrite


Generate and disseminate actionable real-world evidence about the substantial public health issue of health inequities

Extend OHDSI tools to make a health equity perspective the default and/or an option

Expand the Collection, Reporting, and Analysis of Standardized Health Equity related Data

Highlight OHDSI Health Equity studies

Engage the broader OHDSI community on issues related to health equity


Health disparities—any difference in health outcomes between populations­—are complex as they involve myriad factors that lie outside the traditional health-care system, such as housing, employment, racism, gun violence, immigration status, availability of food, and access to public transportation.

Hospitals, medical schools, health-care providers, community stakeholders and data vendors are starting to tackle these disparities, from many different angles.


  • The 2022 OHDSI symposium Health Equity workgroup session aims to bring together leading healthcare executives, physicians, researchers, patient groups, academics, clinical trial professionals, and DEI advocates in a collaborative forum to discuss health equity.

  • This session is intended to raise awareness of data-driven Health Equity development, applications, and use cases while sowing the seed for a future collaborative project.

  • The 2-hour sessions will feature both live and virtual panel discussion, OHDSI health equity project updates, and collaborating opportunities.

    1. PANEL : Our invited speakers and workgroup members will be focusing on health equity, health disparities, and critical diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) issues impacting healthcare.
    2. WG PRESENTATIONS : The networking and project updates sessions will allow attendees to get more insight on the current OHDSI health equity projects as well as participate in those coming up.
    3. COLLABORATIVE SESSION : Live whiteboarding sessions will allow teams to lay out new ideas and perspectives and meet new industry and marketplace colleagues.


  • The 2022 Health Equity workgroup session seeks to further stimulate conversation on potential challenges, opportunities, and solutions.
  • We also aim to increase opportunities and access to training/education in health equity research and we strongly encourage participation from individuals and institutions who belong and serve to underrepresented groups. It is paramount that the discussion includes a diversity of voices and perspectives.

What next?

  • Stay tuned for information on panelists, study highlights and white boarding topics

  • The pre-workshop study package and execution instructions will follow

Hi there! I am putting together a class on OMOP and health equity. I am wondering if such a class already exists?

Hey there @DanielleBoyce

We have not formally created such a class as part of the WG but i am sure there are group members who might have done such work in their own works.
This sounds very interesting! Would you like to talk about it at the next WG meeting?
The next call is tentatively May 24th 2023


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Hi, thank you! I would love to attend the meeting and perhaps have the group present for my course. My email is dboyce3@jhu.edu. Thank you!