2022 OHDSI Symposium FHIR-OMOP Oncology Workshop

HL7 FHIR and OHDSI enthusiasts, please join the FHIR-to-OMOP Oncology Workshop at the 2022 OHDSI US Symposium! This workgroup activity will be facilitated by May Terry, Health Informaticist for the MITRE Corporation. Please see the details below and share any comments you may have.

• Saturday, Oct. 15, 3pm-5pm
Registration link: 2022 OHDSI Workgroup Activities October 15-16 Tickets, Sat, Oct 15, 2022 at 8:00 AM | Eventbrite

• Increase awareness and engagement from the Health Level 7 (HL7) and OHDSI communities to align the Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) framework and the OMOP CDM.
• To build opportunities for advancing the oncology learning health system by bridging clinical and research data exchange and between the minimum Common Oncology Data Elements (mCODE™) and the OMOP Oncology extension.

• Cancer is among the leading causes of death worldwide. According to the National Cancer Institute, in the United States, 39.5 percent of men and women will be diagnosed with cancer at some point during their lifetimes. This wide prevalence of cancer provides the potential to learn from millions of patients through the capture, analysis, and exchange of research-quality data. Today however, we lack data models, technologies, and methods to capture and exchange that data. mCODE™ is an initiative whose information model is based on the HL7 FHIR framework. mCODE assembles a core set of structured data elements for oncology electronic health records (EHRs) and other clinical information systems.

Opportunity and Call to Action
• The OHDSI community has the people, the data, and the tools to strengthen the joint partnership of two signficant organizations in Health Level 7 and the OHDSI communities through the alignment of the OMOP CDM and HL7 FHIR – a data interoperability, increasingly influential and significant in standard clinical data exchange.
• Advance progress towards building a sustainable learning health system by bridging a workflow and transaction-focused clinical data exchange standard that is FHIR, with a data model optimized for healthcare data analytics and observational studies that is OMOP.
• Through the CodeX FHIR accelerator, parts of the mCODE FHIR-based model are being used by at least 25 organizations representing providers, researchers, and commercial vendors in the exchange of clinical oncology data across 8 use cases in different phases of adoption from concept to execution, such as integrated clinical trial matching, registry reporting, radiation therapy data exchange, and prior authorization. Combined with the OHDSI OMOP oncology community, we recognize that a synergistic collaboration of both the HL7 FHIR and OMOP ecosystems could further advance the building of an oncology learning health system to improve the diagnosis, treatment, and outcomes monitoring of cancer patients.

What next?
• Our workshop will introduce attendees to mCODE’s use of the FHIR framework, its alignment with the OMOP CDM and OMOP Oncology extension, a demonstration walkthrough of the FHIR translation to OMOP CDM, and a discussion of what is possible in the alignment of both models as well as a call to action for identifying and engaging in new opportunities.
• If you have any questions or suggestions, please reach out to May Terry at mayT@mitre.org

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