The 2019 OHDSI Symposium Planning Committee is now accepting abstracts for the collaborator showcase at this year’s annual symposium, set to take place on Monday, September 16th 2019 at the Bethesda North Marriott in Bethesda, MD.

We are accepting admissions for posters, oral presentations and software demonstrations. For more details about submission types and topics of interest, please check out our collaborator showcase page: https://www.ohdsi.org/collaborator-showcase-2/

For more details about submission guidelines and to submit your abstract, please check out our submissions page: https://www.ohdsi.org/collaborator-showcase-submissions/

The deadline for abstract submissions is 8pm ET on Monday, June 24th, 2019.

In addition to scientific submissions for the collaborator showcase, we’re also accepting creative submissions. We want to give collaborators a chance to showcase their special talents! This could include, playing a musical instrument, singing, an interpretive dance, or an OHDSI-inspired painting. For more information about creative submissions, please check out our creative submissions page:
The deadline for creative submission is 5pm ET on Monday, August 12th, 2019

Just a reminder that the deadline to submit abstracts for this year’s collaboration showcase is two weeks away! If you are planning to present a poster, software demonstration or lightning talk at this year’s symposium, be sure to submit your abstract by 8pm ET on Monday, June 24th, 2019.

For more information about abstract submissions and to submit your abstract, please check out our submissions page: https://www.ohdsi.org/collaborator-showcase-submissions/

We are one week away from the submission deadline for this year’s collaboration showcase! :scream:

If you are planning to present a poster, software demonstration or lightning talk at this year’s symposium, be sure to submit your abstract by 8pm ET on Monday, June 24th, 2019.

For more information about abstract submissions and to submit your abstract, please check out our submissions page: Collaborator Showcase Submissions – OHDSI

For those thinking about submitting an abstract for the symposium, we put together a video on the Collaborator Showcase, and what OHDSI looks for in a poster, oral presentation and/or software demonstration. Check out why the collaborator showcase may be the perfect venue for your work.


Today is the day! The deadline for all abstract submissions for this year’s collaborator showcase is tonight at 8pm ET!

If you are planning to present a poster, software demonstration or lightning talk at this year’s symposium, be sure to submit your abstract by 8pm ET tonight.

For more information about abstract submissions and to submit your abstract, please check out our submissions page: https://www.ohdsi.org/collaborator-showcase-submissions/

Hi @MauraBeaton,
I’m still waiting on our internal process to clear the abstracts for external disclosure. Would it be possible to fill out the submission form for now, then submit the abstract later?

CC: @Patrick_Ryan