2018 OHDSI F2F Registration

Registration is officially open for the 2018 OHDSI F2F meeting!

The OHDSI face-to-face meeting is an annual event which aims to give active OHDSI collaborators the opportunity to openly discuss challenges facing our research community and work towards shared solutions. The 2018 OHDSI face-to-face will take place on May 2-3rd 2018 at the Department of Biomedical Informatics at Columbia University Medical Center in New York. Over this 2-day period we will be running an entire study!

To learn more about the F2F and request registration, check out our event page here:

PLEASE NOTE: Seating for this event is very limited and submitting a registration request does not guarantee your registration for the meeting. Each request will be reviewed by the OHDSI leadership team and an email confirming attendance will be sent to selected participants.

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