2017 OHDSI Symposium - Abstract Submission Deadline August 30th!

The deadline to submit abstracts for this year’s collaborator showcase at the OHDSI symposium is this Wednesday, August 30th!

You will need an OHDSI Wiki account in order to upload your abstract submission. If you don’t already have an OHDSI Wiki account then please register using the following Google Form: https://goo.gl/forms/ciyMGiP0emC1PsPG2

You will receive your new OHDSI Wiki account information via email within one business day.

Submission Guidelines: https://www.ohdsi.org/submission-guidelines/

Amazing to see that 64 Submissions have been posted!


ps. For those who haven’t gotten their stuff in, I’m sure it’s still August 30th someplace… :smile:

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