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Weekly OHDSI Digest-3May2021


Please join us Tuesday, May 4, at 11 am ET for our next OHDSI Community Call, which will include update presentations on four of our workgroups. You will learn about the individual workgroups, hear about some recent accomplishments, as well as key objectives for the future. This session will feature updates on:

GIS - Geographic Information System (Robert Miller)

PEI - Pharmacovigilance Evidence Investigation (Erica Voss)

Registry (formerly UK Biobank) (Maxim Moinat)

Electronic Health Records (Melanie Philofsky)

Many of you will have the calendar link in your OHDSI Teams environment. If not, you will need the specific meeting link to access the community call; it will also be posted in the main OHDSI Teams environment. As always, if you can’t make it, the recordings will be posted to both our Community Calls page and the General OHDSI Teams recordings folder.

The next APAC Community Call will be this week (Thursday/Wednesday, depending on your location), and the focus will be collaborator presentations. Dr. Anton van der Vegt will discuss the Australian real-world research infrastructure pilot, while Mui Van Zandt will present on OHDSI CDM 5.4 changes. You can access these calls by using this link, or watch the recordings on our APAC homepage on OHDSI.org.


OMOP CDM Oncology WG – Genomic Subgroup Meeting: Tuesday, May 4 at 9 am ET (Meeting Link)
Meetings are traditionally scheduled for every Tuesday at 9 am ET.

Common Data Model WG: Tuesday, May 4 at 1 pm ET: (Meeting Link )
Meetings are traditionally scheduled for the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 1 pm ET.

OMOP CDM Oncology WG – Outreach/Research Subgroup Meeting: Tuesday, May 4 at 3 pm ET: (Meeting Link)
Meetings are traditionally scheduled for the first and third Tuesday of each month at 3 pm ET.

Vaccine Vocabulary WG: Wednesday, May 5 at 8 am ET (Meeting Link)
Meetings are traditionally scheduled for every Wednesday at 8am ET. Note: this is a revised meeting link

Patient-Level Prediction/Pop. Level Estimation WG Meeting (Eastern Hemi): Wednesday, May 5 at 4 pm KST (2AM ET): (Meeting Link)
Meetings are traditionally scheduled for the first Wednesday of every month at 4 pm KST.

Patient-Level Prediction/Pop. Level Estimation WG Meeting (Western Hemi): Thursday, May 6 at 12 pm ET: (Meeting Link) Meetings are traditionally scheduled for the first Thursday of every month at 12 pm ET.

OMOP CDM Oncology WG – CDM/Vocabulary Subgroup Meeting: Thursday, May 6 at 1 pm ET: (Meeting Link)
Meetings are traditionally scheduled for every Thursday at 1 pm ET.

Early Stage Researchers WG: (Europe /East Coast /West Coast hemisphere): Monday, May 10 at 1pm UK time (8am ET) This is a new WG meeting and the MSTeams link will be available soon. Meetings are traditionally due to be held on the second Monday of each month at 1pm UK time.


Congratulations to Matthew Spotnitz, George Hripcsak, Patrick Ryan and Karthik Natarajan on this MedRxiv preprint: Characterizing Post-Acute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 Infection across Claims and Electronic Health Record Databases. Community feedback is appreciated.

Congratulations to Kristin Kostka , who began her new position as the Director of the OHDSI Center at the Roux Institute at Northeastern University this week.

Collaborator Evan Minty , a general internist and clinical assistant professor at the O’Brien Institute for Public Health at the University of Calgary, Canada, was profiled in the latest edition of the OHDSI Collaborator Spotlight. Among the topics Evan discusses is a Surgery and Perioperative Medicine workgroup he would like to develop moving forward.


The May 2021 edition of The Journey, OHDSI’s official community newsletter, is now available. Learn more about how OHDSI enhanced its own foundation, while also learning about several global and local studies, the latest EHDEN data partner call, and plenty more. You can subscribe to The Journey here.

Erasmus MC recently shared a story about the latest EHDEN data call, which includes a €5 million budget available to health data experts wishing to standardize their databases. You can read that piece here.

Our Janssen R&D Epidemiology friends are hiring two undergraduate or graduate level summer interns to assist with projects in the Observational Health Data Analytics (OHDA) team. A full description is available here, and the application deadline is May 7, 2021. If interested in this position, please send your CV with a brief description of your interest to Rupa Makadia (rmakadia@its.jnj.com).

Registration for the 2021 Global OHDSI Symposium is open! More information , as well as a registration link, are available on OHDSI.org. Registration remains free for the four-day event, which takes place Sept.12-15; however, we also provide registration contribution/optional registration fee tickets as well. We thank you in advance for your support!
All OHDSI activities depend largely on government grants and organization sponsorships; please email symposium@ohdsi.org if you would like to consider sponsorship opportunities for this year’s symposium.

Call for participation for the Collaborator Showcase for this year’s symposium is open! Please visit the website 2021 OHDSI Collaborator Showcase – OHDSI for information on this year’s showcase, submission details and the submission link. Please note that the deadline to submit your work is Friday, June 18th!

Work groups listed on the OHDSI website: To get a snapshot of the work group meetings for the month, please visit Upcoming Working Group Calls – OHDSI

Accessing MSTeams : To join OHDSI Teams, please fill out this form: Join OHDSI Teams
If you are already in the OHDSI teams environment and you would like to join work groups in teams, please fill out this form: Join Workgroups, Chapters, and Studies

Teams Best Practices and Guidance : For guidance on MS Teams, please log into OHDSI Teams and check out this channel located in the OHDSI Team Teams Best Practices and Guidance
**you can also find the document on our website ohdsi.org under “Collaborate with OHDSI in MS Teams.”

Please continue to collaborate in our MS Teams environment, check out the OHDSI website and forums, and follow us on all platforms, including Twitter and LinkedIn to get continued updates and information on everything happening in our community.
