Hi! If someone could share some knowledge regarding Primary vs. Secondary Condition Type, I would greatly appreciate it. I read the following thread:
But it was a relatively wide-ranging conversation and I’m not sure I understood what transpired.
I’m simply looking for the diagnosis code that the patient was given after being seen by the emergency room attending physician. This should not be confused with the diagnosis code that billing assigns to the patient or that insurance claims assign to the patient for that visit as these are often not the same diagnosis codes that ED attendings attach to their patients.
What condition type would reflect the “true reason for the ED visit” as assessed by the ED attending after seeing the patient? The encounter diagnosis as mentioned here: Primary dx vs Secondary dx seems to be the most relevant but how does that relate to some of the diagnostic codes that I am seeing in our data (for example):
44786627: Primary Condition
38000245: EHR Problem List Entry
44786629: Secondary Condition
Is 44786627 the condition type attached to the diagnostic code given by the attending physician after first encounter?
Thanks as always for your advice!