@bailey or @karthik or @Christian_Reich
You have been randomly selected to help decided . . . should patient reported data affect DRUG_ERAs? I’m assuming yes as some datasets this is the bulk of the data.
However data that falls outside of the OBSERVATION_PERIOD should not impact the DRUG_ERA regardless of where it is from. (see this thread)
Here is the current text, but would like to add something about ERAS.
Patient reported data recommendation should land in the appropriate domain table (e.g. if a patient reports they had lymphoma it should land in the CONDITION_OCCURRENCE table. These data should be strongly typed so that it easily known which records are patient reported. Type concepts include 44814721-Patient reported 44818706-Patient reported device 44818704-Patient reported value 45905770-Patient Self-Reported Condition 44787730-Patient Self-Reported Medication 44786633 – numeric HRA values 44786634 – categorical HRA values
Ask the CDM WG to add this to the FAQ https://github.com/OHDSI/CommonDataModel/wiki/Frequently-Asked-Questions