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Discharge Status and UB04 Pt dis status

Here is the UB-04 Patient Discharge Status Vocabulary in OMOP, and here is some education on UB-04 patient discharge status codes.

The first step is to determine what vocabulary does your source data use to code discharge status. Is it UB04 patient discharge status codes?
Second step would be to a frequency distribution of the codes in your source data – check if they match with expected values in UB04 patient discharge status vocabularies codes. Check for number of characters, are there leading zeros? If you would like automate these two steps using a tool then use USAGI here.

If your source data vocabulary matched UB04 patient discharge status - you can use this query below to get the 'concept_id’s - it is straight forward text join.

source join concept ON source.dstatus = concept.concept_code AND concept_vocabulary_id = ‘UB04 Pt dis status’ and concept.invalid_reason is null

don’t forget the invalid_reason.

If your source data vocabulary does not match UB04 patient discharge status – then USAGI will most likely offer match recommendations, i.e. your source data is not using UB-04 patient discharge status vocabulary. In that case, you may want to use source_to_concept_map to doing mapping.

I am tagging @Dymshyts and @Christian_Reich - please see the education link. Thelast page has education on ‘when to use each code’/frequently used codes. Should we try to incorporate such ‘code descriptions’ into concept_synonym?

Yikes. We need to clean this up. It’s all over the place. We have “Discharge Status” concepts, but they are mapped to Observations. Will make a proposal soon.

How urgent is it, @nzvyagina?

these are the concepts in Athena . Its in the domain VISIT. I think they should be used for visit_occurrence.discharge_to_concept_id or visit_detail.discharge_to_concept_id

I know, but there are concepts that have been included before you dropped the UB04 stuff.

My source data matches UB04 in most cases (both codes and descriptions match perfectly), the only problem is non-matching descriptions of some codes.
BTW: As for 81-95 there is information here
The following codes apply only to particular MS-DRGs*, and were new in 10/2013:
Comments: * MS-DRG codes where additional codes were available in October 2013 are:
280 (Acute Myocardial Infarction, Discharged Alive with MCC),
281 (Acute Myocardial Infarction, Discharged Alive with CC),
282 (Acute Myocardial Infarction, Discharged Alive without CC/MCC), and
789 (Neonates, Died or Transferred to Another Acute Care Facility).

The only unclear point left is what to do with 21.
Description in our data - ‘EXPIRED TO BE DEFINED AT STATE LEVEL’
UB04 - ‘Discharged/transferred to Court/Law Enforcement’

And ‘EXPIRED’ and ‘Discharged/transferred’ they are pretty different in meaning.

Hi Christian,

It does not look urgent because I am going to put these discharge statuses to visit tables to discharged_to_ fields. And I do not need any corrections so far.

What are the non matches

That would mean that your source data is not compliant with this vocabulary. I would use the concept with closest meaning


I’ve noticed that vocabulary_references for “UB04 Pri Typ of Adm”, “UB04 Point of Origin”, “UB04 Pt dis status” are linked to the generic page “Data File Search”, see

We need to have actual version


When comparing with our data asset source tables, we found both admission and discharge UB-04 code missing from OMOP vocabulary (Visit domain). Attached file lists them in two worksheets. Missing values are highlighted in yellow.

Missing UB-04 values in concept table.xlsx (24.1 KB)

Could someone update the vocabulary?

can you please review this list before we add it to the vocabulary?


We need to turn the admissions and discharges into fields that can contain any concepts where domain_id=‘Visit’. Patients can come from any care constellation, and leave to any care constellation. Only thing we need to discuss is death.

What’s the problem with death?

Whether we have such a disposition or not.

I created a mapping for all patient UB04 point of origin and discharge status codes, which point now to proper Visit Concepts. Patients born or expired don’t have a Visit (heaven is not a valid Visit Concept). The fact that they are born or died is recorded in the PERSON table.

I think UB04 is right.

No Point of Origin or Discharge Status, @nzvyagina.

Hi team,
In our EMR system, there are discharge status of Absent without leave, ER-Left without being seen. I saw a similar UB04 Pt dis status code: Left against medical advice or discontinued care (code 07). But this UB04 code is a non-standard code.
My question is: how to get standard concept_id for patients left without been seen. Thanks!

Go to Athena and type in ‘left without being seen’ and see what happens.

But that is not a Visit domain concept, @DTorok. So, cannot be used for discharge_concept_id. But can be used as an Observation.

There is nothing to record. We only record Visits that happened, not those that didn’t. A missed Visit is represented by an absent record. If you want to capture the fact that a patient had enough and ran away write an Observation record.

