{ "ConceptSets": [ { "id": 0, "name": "[NW_Study] Burns", "expression": { "items": [ { "concept": { "CONCEPT_CLASS_ID": "Clinical Finding", "CONCEPT_CODE": "21835004", "CONCEPT_ID": 441172, "CONCEPT_NAME": "Disorder due to and following burn", "DOMAIN_ID": "Condition", "INVALID_REASON": "V", "INVALID_REASON_CAPTION": "Valid", "STANDARD_CONCEPT": "S", "STANDARD_CONCEPT_CAPTION": "Standard", "VOCABULARY_ID": "SNOMED" }, "includeDescendants": true }, { "concept": { "CONCEPT_CLASS_ID": "Clinical Finding", "CONCEPT_CODE": "219356008", "CONCEPT_ID": 432810, "CONCEPT_NAME": "Injury of unknown intent by burns or fire", "DOMAIN_ID": "Condition", "INVALID_REASON": "V", "INVALID_REASON_CAPTION": "Valid", "STANDARD_CONCEPT": "S", "STANDARD_CONCEPT_CAPTION": "Standard", "VOCABULARY_ID": "SNOMED" }, "includeDescendants": true }, { "concept": { "CONCEPT_CLASS_ID": "Clinical Finding", "CONCEPT_CODE": "403448009", "CONCEPT_ID": 4299815, "CONCEPT_NAME": "Oral ulceration due to radiation burn", "DOMAIN_ID": "Condition", "INVALID_REASON": "V", "INVALID_REASON_CAPTION": "Valid", "STANDARD_CONCEPT": "S", "STANDARD_CONCEPT_CAPTION": "Standard", "VOCABULARY_ID": "SNOMED" }, "includeDescendants": true }, { "concept": { "CONCEPT_CLASS_ID": "CPT4 Hierarchy", "CONCEPT_CODE": "1003556", "CONCEPT_ID": 45889914, "CONCEPT_NAME": "Local Treatment Procedures for Burns", "DOMAIN_ID": "Procedure", "INVALID_REASON": "V", "INVALID_REASON_CAPTION": "Valid", "STANDARD_CONCEPT": "C", "STANDARD_CONCEPT_CAPTION": "Classification", "VOCABULARY_ID": "CPT4" }, "includeDescendants": true }, { "concept": { "CONCEPT_CLASS_ID": "Morph Abnormality", "CONCEPT_CODE": "48333001", "CONCEPT_ID": 4168004, "CONCEPT_NAME": "Burn injury", "DOMAIN_ID": "Observation", "INVALID_REASON": "V", "INVALID_REASON_CAPTION": "Valid", "STANDARD_CONCEPT": "S", "STANDARD_CONCEPT_CAPTION": "Standard", "VOCABULARY_ID": "SNOMED" }, "includeDescendants": true }, { "concept": { "CONCEPT_CLASS_ID": "Clinical Finding", "CONCEPT_CODE": "11998161000119104", "CONCEPT_ID": 760847, "CONCEPT_NAME": "Second degree burn of right hand", "DOMAIN_ID": "Condition", "INVALID_REASON": "V", "INVALID_REASON_CAPTION": "Valid", "STANDARD_CONCEPT": "S", "STANDARD_CONCEPT_CAPTION": "Standard", "VOCABULARY_ID": "SNOMED" }, "includeDescendants": true }, { "concept": { "CONCEPT_CLASS_ID": "Clinical Finding", "CONCEPT_CODE": "125666000", "CONCEPT_ID": 442013, "CONCEPT_NAME": "Burn", "DOMAIN_ID": "Condition", "INVALID_REASON": "V", "INVALID_REASON_CAPTION": "Valid", "STANDARD_CONCEPT": "S", "STANDARD_CONCEPT_CAPTION": "Standard", "VOCABULARY_ID": "SNOMED" }, "includeDescendants": true }, { "concept": { "CONCEPT_CLASS_ID": "Clinical Finding", "CONCEPT_CODE": "12203871000119106", "CONCEPT_ID": 760858, "CONCEPT_NAME": "Second degree burn of left hand", "DOMAIN_ID": "Condition", "INVALID_REASON": "V", "INVALID_REASON_CAPTION": "Valid", "STANDARD_CONCEPT": "S", "STANDARD_CONCEPT_CAPTION": "Standard", "VOCABULARY_ID": "SNOMED" }, "includeDescendants": true } ] } }, { "id": 1, "name": "[EPI1102] Burn drug and procedure treatments", "expression": { "items": [ { "concept": { "CONCEPT_CLASS_ID": "Ingredient", "CONCEPT_CODE": "9793", "CONCEPT_ID": 966956, "CONCEPT_NAME": "silver sulfadiazine", "DOMAIN_ID": "Drug", "INVALID_REASON": "V", "INVALID_REASON_CAPTION": "Valid", "STANDARD_CONCEPT": "S", "STANDARD_CONCEPT_CAPTION": "Standard", "VOCABULARY_ID": "RxNorm" }, "includeDescendants": true }, { "concept": { "CONCEPT_CLASS_ID": "CPT4 Hierarchy", "CONCEPT_CODE": "1003120", "CONCEPT_ID": 45889089, "CONCEPT_NAME": "Anesthesia for second- and third-degree burn excision or debridement with or without skin grafting, any site, for total body surface area (TBSA) treated during anesthesia and surgery", "DOMAIN_ID": "Procedure", "INVALID_REASON": "V", "INVALID_REASON_CAPTION": "Valid", "STANDARD_CONCEPT": "C", "STANDARD_CONCEPT_CAPTION": "Classification", "VOCABULARY_ID": "CPT4" }, "includeDescendants": true }, { "concept": { "CONCEPT_CLASS_ID": "CPT4 Hierarchy", "CONCEPT_CODE": "1003556", "CONCEPT_ID": 45889914, "CONCEPT_NAME": "Local Treatment Procedures for Burns", "DOMAIN_ID": "Procedure", "INVALID_REASON": "V", "INVALID_REASON_CAPTION": "Valid", "STANDARD_CONCEPT": "C", "STANDARD_CONCEPT_CAPTION": "Classification", "VOCABULARY_ID": "CPT4" } }, { "concept": { "CONCEPT_CLASS_ID": "CPT4", "CONCEPT_CODE": "16000", "CONCEPT_ID": 2102559, "CONCEPT_NAME": "Initial treatment, first degree burn, when no more than local treatment is required", "DOMAIN_ID": "Procedure", "INVALID_REASON": "V", "INVALID_REASON_CAPTION": "Valid", "STANDARD_CONCEPT": "S", "STANDARD_CONCEPT_CAPTION": "Standard", "VOCABULARY_ID": "CPT4" }, "includeDescendants": true }, { "concept": { "CONCEPT_CLASS_ID": "CPT4 Hierarchy", "CONCEPT_CODE": "1003558", "CONCEPT_ID": 45887539, "CONCEPT_NAME": "Dressings and/or debridement of partial-thickness burns, initial or subsequent", "DOMAIN_ID": "Procedure", "INVALID_REASON": "V", "INVALID_REASON_CAPTION": "Valid", "STANDARD_CONCEPT": "C", "STANDARD_CONCEPT_CAPTION": "Classification", "VOCABULARY_ID": "CPT4" }, "includeDescendants": true }, { "concept": { "CONCEPT_CLASS_ID": "Procedure", "CONCEPT_CODE": "240992000", "CONCEPT_ID": 4081416, "CONCEPT_NAME": "Escharotomy of burnt skin", "DOMAIN_ID": "Procedure", "INVALID_REASON": "V", "INVALID_REASON_CAPTION": "Valid", "STANDARD_CONCEPT": "S", "STANDARD_CONCEPT_CAPTION": "Standard", "VOCABULARY_ID": "SNOMED" }, "includeDescendants": true }, { "concept": { "CONCEPT_CLASS_ID": "CPT4 Hierarchy", "CONCEPT_CODE": "1014946", "CONCEPT_ID": 45887796, "CONCEPT_NAME": "Surgical preparation or creation of recipient site by excision of open wounds, burn eschar, or scar (including subcutaneous tissues), or incisional release of scar contracture, face, scalp, eyelids, mouth, neck, ears, orbits, genitalia, hands, feet and/or", "DOMAIN_ID": "Procedure", "INVALID_REASON": "V", "INVALID_REASON_CAPTION": "Valid", "STANDARD_CONCEPT": 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"First" }, "ExpressionLimit": { "Type": "All" }, "InclusionRules": [ { "name": "burn treatment in 180 days after index", "expression": { "Type": "ANY", "CriteriaList": [ { "Criteria": { "DrugExposure": { "CodesetId": 1 } }, "StartWindow": { "Start": { "Days": 0, "Coeff": -1 }, "End": { "Days": 180, "Coeff": 1 }, "UseEventEnd": false }, "Occurrence": { "Type": 2, "Count": 1 } }, { "Criteria": { "ProcedureOccurrence": { "CodesetId": 1 } }, "StartWindow": { "Start": { "Days": 0, "Coeff": -1 }, "End": { "Days": 180, "Coeff": 1 }, "UseEventEnd": false }, "Occurrence": { "Type": 2, "Count": 1 } } ], "DemographicCriteriaList": [], "Groups": [] } } ], "EndStrategy": { "DateOffset": { "DateField": "StartDate", "Offset": 0 } }, "CensoringCriteria": [], "CollapseSettings": { "CollapseType": "ERA", "EraPad": 0 }, "CensorWindow": {}, "cdmVersionRange": ">=5.0.0" }