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"Procedure", "INVALID_REASON": "V", "INVALID_REASON_CAPTION": "Valid", "STANDARD_CONCEPT": "S", "STANDARD_CONCEPT_CAPTION": "Standard", "VOCABULARY_ID": "ICD10PCS" } }, { "concept": { "CONCEPT_CLASS_ID": "ICD10PCS", "CONCEPT_CODE": "04R04JZ", "CONCEPT_ID": 2730104, "CONCEPT_NAME": "Replacement of Abdominal Aorta with Synthetic Substitute, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach", "DOMAIN_ID": "Procedure", "INVALID_REASON": "V", "INVALID_REASON_CAPTION": "Valid", "STANDARD_CONCEPT": "S", "STANDARD_CONCEPT_CAPTION": "Standard", "VOCABULARY_ID": "ICD10PCS" } }, { "concept": { "CONCEPT_CLASS_ID": "4-dig billing code", "CONCEPT_CODE": "38.34", "CONCEPT_ID": 2002063, "CONCEPT_NAME": "Resection of vessel with anastomosis, aorta", "DOMAIN_ID": "Procedure", "INVALID_REASON": "V", "INVALID_REASON_CAPTION": "Valid", "STANDARD_CONCEPT": "N", "STANDARD_CONCEPT_CAPTION": "Non-Standard", "VOCABULARY_ID": "ICD9Proc" } }, { "concept": { "CONCEPT_CLASS_ID": "4-dig billing code", "CONCEPT_CODE": "38.44", 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Device, Percutaneous Approach (Deprecated)", "DOMAIN_ID": "Procedure", "INVALID_REASON": "V", "INVALID_REASON_CAPTION": "Valid", "STANDARD_CONCEPT": "S", "STANDARD_CONCEPT_CAPTION": "Standard", "VOCABULARY_ID": "ICD10PCS" } }, { "concept": { "CONCEPT_CLASS_ID": "ICD10PCS", "CONCEPT_CODE": "04V04D6", "CONCEPT_ID": 42897085, "CONCEPT_NAME": "Restriction of Abdominal Aorta, Bifurcation, with Intraluminal Device, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach (Deprecated)", "DOMAIN_ID": "Procedure", "INVALID_REASON": "V", "INVALID_REASON_CAPTION": "Valid", "STANDARD_CONCEPT": "S", "STANDARD_CONCEPT_CAPTION": "Standard", "VOCABULARY_ID": "ICD10PCS" } }, { "concept": { "CONCEPT_CLASS_ID": "ICD10PCS", "CONCEPT_CODE": "04U03JZ", "CONCEPT_ID": 2730884, "CONCEPT_NAME": "Supplement Abdominal Aorta with Synthetic Substitute, Percutaneous Approach", "DOMAIN_ID": "Procedure", "INVALID_REASON": "V", "INVALID_REASON_CAPTION": "Valid", "STANDARD_CONCEPT": "S", "STANDARD_CONCEPT_CAPTION": "Standard", "VOCABULARY_ID": 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