Why have valid dates and invalid reason in drug strength table? Can the values for a drug concept be valid during one period and then be different but valid for another period? What is ‘use case’ for invalidating a drug strength records as opposed to removing the drug strength record.
I think my question is related to this topic.
My developer tried to follow the standard vocabularies change from vocabularies loaded from June 2019 to December 2019, and then found that some of the row in drug strength table are disappeared instead of having “D” under invalid_reason.
Home · OHDSI/CommonDataModel Wiki · GitHub have description of
“invalid_reason No varchar(1) Reason the concept was invalidated. Possible values are ‘D’ (deleted), ‘U’ (replaced with an update) or NULL when valid_end_date has the default value.”
Why some of the rows doesn’t exist in December 2019 version (2450 rows)?
In my query, ds is December 2019 version, and ds2 is June 2019 version.
By looking the data, it seems like if drug_concept_id or ingredient_concept_id is not standard, the rows doesn’t exist. This is make sense, but are we deleting these rows instead of inserting “D” as described in the website for drug_strength?
Also, why these standard concept relationship do not exist/deleted in December 2019 version?
Just by looking, these crosswalk to ingredient make sense to me, but if these are incorrect, do we want to insert “D” instead of removing from the list?
I’ve been asking this question myself
We do not populate this field and there is no use case for that as far as I’m concerned.
What we do now is delete the record if a drug is invalid and create a new record if a replacement for an invalid drug was created.
So ideally we would update the CDM spec and remove the field in the next CDM release.