Weekly OHDSI Digest - 8May2017


Patient-level prediction (Eastern hemisphere) workgroup meeting - Wednesday at 3pm Hong Kong time

Population-level estimation (Western hemisphere) workgroup - Wednesday at 12pm ET

NLP working group meeting - Wednesday at 2pm ET
Dial +1 (571) 317-3122 (United States)
Enter conference ID: 707-196-421
Screen Sharing: GoTo

Hadoop WG meeting - Friday at 11am ET
WebEx: http://cloudera.webex.com/meet/sdolley


2017 OHDSI Symposium - The date and location for the 2017 OHDSI Symposium has been confirmed! This year’s symposium will take place on Wednesday, October 18th at the Bethesda North Marriott. Full-day tutorial sessions will take place on October 19-20th. If you’re interested in attending, please save the date.

Symposium Registration - Registration for the symposium will open shortly. Check out the symposium website for updates: 2017 OHDSI Symposium – OHDSI

Call for Sponsorship - To fund the 2017 symposium we need to raise $200K to cover operating costs of venue rental, lunch, audio/visuals and recordings fees. We’re reaching out to the entire community for sponsors who want to support this important event and allow us to build upon the success of past symposia. More details: OHDSI Symposium 2017 - call for sponsorship

In the minds of geniuses we find our own neglected thoughts.

  • Ralph Waldo Emerson


Streamlining cardiovascular clinical trials to improve efficiency and generalisability

Personalized glucose forecasting for type 2 diabetes using data assimilation.

Inter-labeler and intra-labeler variability of condition severity classification models using active and passive learning methods

Measuring and Improving the Quality of Data Used for Syndromic Surveillance

Quality adjusted life year gains associated with administration of recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator for treatment of acute ischemic stroke: 1998-2011.