Weekly OHDSI Digest - 8Aug2016


Patient-Level Prediction working group meeting - Wednesday at 12pm ET
Join the meeting: GoTo

NLP working group meeting - Wednesday at 2pm
Join the meeting: GoTo

  • Call-in: +1 (571) 317-3122 (United States)
  • Enter conference ID: 707-196-421

Architecture working group meeting - Thursday at 1pm
Webex: https://jjconferencing.webex.com/mw0401lsp13/mywebex/default.do?service=1&main_url=%2Fmc0901lsp13%2Fe.do%3Fsiteurl%3Djjconferencing%26AT%3DMI%26EventID%3D283835502%26MTID%3Dmb7e839a762fbdaab0608f27500679223%26Host%3DQUhTSwAAAALN0cAEoYypZD0FLlSTucGjiYMi0Jtc0aswBjTXyAgSWKQK7Y5vkbh5XEyTNltfEKaifFNjSDCDBoLRT5dd5cFq0%26FrameSet%3D2&siteurl=jjconferencing&nomenu=true
Call-in toll-free number: 1-877-5659999 (US)
Call-in number: 1-617-9392838 (US)
Attendee access code: 498 480 37


NCI Funding available - Deadline to apply: October 21st

OHDSI Symposium 2016 - Tutorial attendees selected
Attendees for the 2016 tutorial sessions have been selected. Notification emails will be sent to selected participants by the end of the day tomorrow.

OHDSI Symposium 2016 - Registration closed
We’ve reached maximum capacity. We do however anticipate cancellations. If you’re interested in attending, put your name on the waiting list:


Predictive performance of four frailty measures in an older Australian population.

Prognostic value of cardiopulmonary exercise testing in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction. The Henry Ford HospITal CardioPulmonary EXercise Testing (FIT-CPX) project.

National Trends in Utilization, Mortality, Complications, and Cost of Care After Left Ventricular Assist Device Implantation From 2005 to 2011.

Predicting G Protein-Coupled Receptor Downstream Signaling by Tissue Expression

Yellow highlighted text. Does this mean if you did NOT send me a “Congratulations” email that I was not selected? Or will you send emails for selected and non-selected folks?

I received a “Congratulations” email from you regarding the Vocabulary tutorial but I’ve received nothing from you regarding the architecture tutorial. Is the lack of email from you mean non-selection?


Hi Michael,

Notification emails have been sent to everyone who registered for a tutorial (regardless of if they were selected or not). If you have not recieved a notice, please email symposium@ohdsi.org.

Please note: Notifications for the Population-level Estimation for Medical Product Safety Surveillance and Comparative Effectiveness Research tutorial have NOT been sent out yet.
