Hi community,
I downloaded the most recent version of vocabulary from athena.ohdsi.org.
I use ETL-Synthea to import and got warning mesage below:
Warning messages:
1: In data.table::fread(file = paste0(vocabFileLoc, “/”, csv), stringsAsFactors = FALSE, :
Found and resolved improper quoting out-of-sample. First healed line 853636: <<2614984 “y set” tubing for peritoneal dialysis Device HCPCS HCPCS S A4719 20020101 20991231 >>. If the fields are not quoted (e.g. field separator does not appear within any field), try quote=“” to avoid this warning.
2: In data.table::fread(file = paste0(vocabFileLoc, “/”, csv), stringsAsFactors = FALSE, :
Found and resolved improper quoting out-of-sample. First healed line 115727: <<44833612 “ventilation” pneumonit 4180186>>. If the fields are not quoted (e.g. field separator does not appear within any field), try quote=“” to avoid this warning.
Is this ok for the import?
Ray Z.