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Vocab WG July 30 meeting [CPT4 visits and postcoordination]

Dear friends:

Please come to the July 30 noon EST Vocab WG meeting to discuss two vocabulary topics that brought multiple conversations in the community:

  1. CPT4 visits
    What: CPT4 codes representing visits have been de-standardized and mapped to Visit domain (link, link, link, link)

  2. Post-coordination for measurements in the OHDSI Vocabularies

What: some non-standard terms map to two concepts that live as a pair in different columns in OMOP CDM, example, link, link, link)

At the meeting, we hope to arrive at the resolution regarding the topics and make tangible plans.

You can find the meeting recording here and meeting slides here.

We discussed two proposals for February 2025 release:

  1. CPT4
  • Make CPT4/HCPCS ‘visit-related’ codes Standard
    Proposed domain for CPT4 codes – Procedure (align with our def of Procedure domain + aligns with pre-2023 domain assignment).

  • Create ‘Has related visit’ relationship, so the ETL can create visits out of these CPT/HCPCS concepts, but be able to preserve original concept as standard in another domain.

  1. Post-coordinated labs and syndromes
  • Rollback post-coordination effort on measurement-related disorders
    Source diagnosis codes map to nearest mapping in SNOMED
    SNOMED structure preserved without de-standardizing clinical finding concepts
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