Hi, @Christian_Reich, @Gowtham_Rao
I’m curious if there have been any changes or progresses of place of service concepts since MAR because we need more detailed concepts for visit detail table.
For CDM v5, I need these concepts for three tables, visit, visit_detail, care_site.
According to the CDM document, I have to find “Place of Service Vocabulary” for admitting/discharge source concept id in visit_occurrence & visit_detail tables. (may mean ‘vocabulary_id’=‘place of service’, and there are 60 standard concepts)
And also I need to find “Place of Service Concept ID” for place of service concept id in care_site table, referred to visit tables via care_site_id. Does it mean ‘domain’=‘place of service’ like the explanation usually does? There are 491 non-standard concepts only. Maybe I can use 60 standard concepts mentioned above.
I remember (sorry I couldn’t find where the link is…) it was discussed that how to follow-up the exact care sites where the patient was during hospitalization. It can be followed-up by care_site_id from Visit_detail table.
Then we need more detailed concepts of medical department, but 60 standard concepts (domain=visit, vocabulary=place of service) are not sufficient.