Unit concepts request

select * from measurement where measurement_concept_id=12345 and value_as_number>3.

If you want to make sure its per minute, add

and unit_concept_id in (select concept_id from concept where concept_code like '%/min'

Juan. It’s not that big of a deal. Take the unit, remove anything that is in curly braces, and voila, you got the unit. Because pulse and breathing is always per minute.

Let me say it again: We can add those breaths and beats no problem. But logically, they are no units. They are integer counts of discrete entities. This is the world of physics, and nothing we can do about it.

There is no such a thing as a “Standard UCUM”. All units, as long as you follow the UCUM syntax, are standard.

It’s up to us. Submit it to the CDM Working Group list, and we make it the standard. Or we just do it.

Of course there is. We decide we want them, and I put them in. Simple.